Our aim

S-MoSES aims to give rise to a strong improvement in the safety and reliability of structures and infrastructures. To this aim, a strong interdisciplinary consortium has been set up. In addition to the Academic Research Unit of Florence, Bari, Bologna, Cagliari, Napoli, stakeholders, academic institutions, administrative authorities and SMEs, will be involved in the project. The needs of monitoring and maintenance of the existing structures and infrastructures is nowadays of paramount relevance in Italy where cultural heritage sites are a strategic asset and most of the infrastructure nets were built more than 60 years ago. The infrastructure functionality closely depends on an efficient monitoring activity. In addition, lack of a proper and timely maintenance entails an increasing deterioration and, consequently, higher repair costs. Therefore, developing smart monitoring of infrastructures becomes mandatory, with particular attention to the ones still in service even when their life limit has been exceeded. In current European research framework, the Horizon Europe Work Programme, significant attention has been devoted to the development of a more sustainable and effective management of cultural heritage sites and smart cities. In particular among the Horizon Europe mission areas the climate-neutral and smart cities one defines large part of this project impacts. Indeed, smart monitoring systems allow to develop cities and territories facing climate changes and management duties in the most effective way. Thanks to its profound interdisciplinary nature, the project is expected to have high impact both on the scientific community, and on different stakeholders in charge for public safety and conservation of historical buildings and infrastructures nets. S-MoSES, through the development of a Smart Management and Monitoring System (SMMS) for structures and infrastructures, will allow achieving the following objectives:

- development of reliable damage assessment procedures for the monitored structures;

- providing probabilistic model updating methods, which allow accounting different sources of uncertainties;

 - development of a protocol for a long-term static and dynamic monitoring;

- set-up monitoring systems able to assess the best retrofitting and restoration strategies and evaluate their performance during the time;

- proposal of a method for priority queue for large portfolio of structures and infrastructures.

Crucial steps for obtaining the aforementioned objectives are the design of the monitoring system, the management of the data considering data processing and interpretation in order to obtain structural safety. In addition, an appropriate data transmission and interface to stakeholders, decision makers and institutions in charge of public safety will be developed. Finally, the problem of a proper definitions of early-warning systems, threshold levels and alarm levels will be also faced by S-MoSES.

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