Task 3.1: Survey of the constructive condition of the monument and damage identification

The task will start with a survey aimed at the identification of the constructive characteristics of the monuments in the specific historical parts that could be defined. Also to define the discontinuities in the masonries and in the static and dynamic behavior between different parts of the same building. Then it is possible to proceed with the identification of the parameters (e.g., curvatures) more efficient to establish if a monitored structure is damaged. Specific indications will be provided for the selection of the sensors, sampling rates and durations. Then the optimal number and positions of the sensors will be defined.


Task 3.2: Model updating

With special attention to the dynamic monitoring and innovative techniques, like FastFWD, which are used for the identification of the dynamic properties of structures, specific indications (selection of the sensors, sampling rates, durations, etc.) will be done for model updating.


Task 3.3: Long-term static and dynamic monitoring

Long-term monitoring coupled to proper damage assessment procedures gives some information (not yet exhaustive to establish the structural safety) on the health of the structure during its lifetime. Efforts will be devoted to provide guidelines for designing an economic and efficient monitoring systems working for a long period.


Task 3.4: Retrofit and restoration assessment

The complex behavior of historic masonry structures often makes difficult to check the effectiveness of the retrofit strategies implemented, so an ad hoc integrated monitoring and retrofitting system is required to validate the assumptions standing behind the design. This task is then aimed at providing indications on a proper design of a monitoring system useful for retrofit assessments.


Task 3.5: Comprehensive protocol for monitoring system design

All the recommendations defined in the previous tasks will be collected to provide a unified protocol, which will allow to design an efficient monitoring systems for the aforementioned structures.

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